Author: gspot

Vagina Squirting – Is It The Same As Female Ejaculation?

Have you ever heard the term “vagina squirting” before? Some of you may have while others not and that’s okay. Actually vagina squirting is not that different from a normal squirting orgasm. In fact there is really no difference at all besides the name. Watch the video below (or watch on Youtube) for a full explanation by our resident sex expert Jason Julius as he breaks down the female ejaculation orgasm.

Is Female Ejaculation For Real?

Think that female ejaculation is just pee? Then you better think again and watch this video by Jason Julius. He explains everything you need to know to win that next argument at the bar when you buddies start talking about squirting orgasms being fake.

Oral Sex Tips

Make sure you pay close attention, because the one tip I’m going to give you in this video will totally change the way you approach going down on your woman.

For men watching this video you need to put your ego aside and realize that if you’re like 99.9% of other men in the world you are performing oral sex on your woman incorrectly.

This is because most men “learn” how to perform oral sex by watching porn.

However, the technique you see being performed in porn is not the correct way to do it.

In the adult industry they even have a name for it.

It’s called paining the fence.

It’s when you flick your tongue up and down on your woman’s clit. The same motion as if you were “painting a fence.”

The kicker is, it doesn’t feel pleasurable to the woman.

The reason they do it this way in porn is so that the camera can get a better shot at the action going on.

If the male porn actor was to perform oral sex the correct way you wouldn’t actually be able to see anything because his face would be in the way.

And a porn where you can’t see anything wouldn’t be any fun to watch.

If you’re trying to replicate the moves you see in porn into your own sex life you need to stop and learn the real way to please your woman.

How To Give A Woman An Orgasm

Being able to give the woman you love an orgasm is an essential part of being a man.

However, it’s not exactly something that we are taught in schools.

This video by will help point you in the right direction on your quest to learning how to give your woman an orgasm.

There are two basic ways to give an orgasm to a woman.

The most common way is to give her a clitoral orgasm from direct or indirect stimulation to her clitoris.

This works well and is often the same orgasm a woman will give herself during masturbation.

The second way is to give her a vaginal orgasm from direct G Spot stimulation.

This type of orgasm is usually a much more powerful type of orgasm than a clitoral orgasm.

As an added bonus a vaginal orgasm from G Spot stimulation can also lead to a female squirting orgasm!

Give your woman one of these and she’ll be yours forever.

What Is A Vaginal Orgasm?

Today we’re talking about vaginal orgasms.

Or more specifically, what a vaginal orgasm is.

So let’s get started…

A vaginal orgasm is when a woman experiences an orgasm from stimulation to the inside of her vagina.

The most common form of stimulation that will cause a vaginal orgasm is G Spot stimulation.

However, a woman can also experience a vaginal orgasm from A-Spot stimulation.

A vaginal orgasm is often described by woman as a much deeper, full body type of orgasm than a clitoral orgasm.

A vaginal orgasm can also lead to a squirting orgasm, which is one of the most powerful orgasms you can ever give a woman.

Sadly, only a small percentage of women have ever experienced a vaginal orgasm due to the lack of correct knowledge on how to achieve these orgasms.

Real Female Orgasm

Today in this video by we’re going to be discussing real female orgasms.

Or more specifically, how you can tell if your woman actually had a real female orgasm.

But, first let’s get this out in the open right now…

If you’re a guy watching this video, you may be thinking “of course my woman has orgasms”

Well, I got news for you buddy, most women fake orgasms most if not every single time they have sex.

In fact a recent study stated that 80% of women fake having an orgasm at least 50% of the time and that’s only the ones who will admit it.

I don’t know about you, but in my book if a woman feels like she needs to fake an orgasm even once, that’s one time too many and you as a man aren’t doing your job.

One of the main reasons given by the women who reported to fake orgasms, was to boost the ego of the man they were with.

So if all those moans and screams are not a sign of a real female orgasm, then how do you tell?

Simple, when a woman has a real female orgasm she has a series of muscle contractions that are involuntary and you can actually notice these happening.

For example if you have your finger or penis inside your woman’s vagina during a real female orgasm the inner walls will squeeze down and you can feel the muscles contracting.

Or during the point at which you think the real female orgasm is occurring you can stick the tip of your finger on her anus and you will feel the muscle contraction there too.

Then last, but certainly not least, is if she has a squirting orgasm, this is probably the easiest way to tell and something she can’t fake.

There you have it, now get out there and start giving some real female orgasms!

Best Female Orgasm

So you probably landed on this video because you want to know the best female orgasm to give the woman in your life.

Well you’re in the right place because this video by is going to lay it all out for you.

First let me start off by saying there are really two main orgasms that you can give a woman.

A clitoral orgasm and a vaginal orgasm.

A Clitoral orgasm is achieved by either direct or indirect stimulation to the clitoris. This is the type of orgasm that most women are most familiar with and typically is the type of orgasm they experience during masturbation.

A clitoral orgasm is generally more of a localized sensation to the genital region.

Powerful, yes, but I think we can do better.

A vaginal orgasm is achieved by stimulation to the inside of a woman’s vagina most often occurring from direct stimulation to a woman’s G Spot.

A vaginal orgasm is more of a full body orgasm and can often lead to a female squirting orgasm otherwise known as female ejaculation, which is one of the most powerful orgasms you can give a woman.

For this reason the vaginal orgasm clearly wins top place as the best female orgasm to give a woman.

Unfortunately most women will never experience a vaginal orgasm, mainly because most men are clueless on how to give them to a woman.

What Is Female Ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is often a mystery to both men and women alike.

Which is really to bad, because when a woman experiences female ejaculation it is often times considered to be one of the most pleasurable experiences of her life!

So what is female ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is when a woman has an orgasm so intense that she expels fluid out of her urethra. The fluid that shoots out is known as female ejaculation or female ejaculate fluid.

When a woman experiences this type of orgasm she can expel a little fluid or a lot it just depends on the woman and how intense that particular orgasm was.

Female ejaculation most often occurs from direct stimulation to the Female G Spot using either one’s finger or penis.

It can take up to 30 minutes for some women to experience a female ejaculation orgasm from G Spot stimulation, so if you’re just starting to experiment with your partner a little patience will come in handy.

How To Give Women Squirting Orgasms

You probably landed on this video because you want to know how to give the women in your life full body squirting orgasms.

Well I’ve got good news for you, this video by will help you do just that.

The squirting orgasm is one of the most intense orgasms that you can give a woman.

Generally the best way to give a woman a squirting orgasm is to stimulate her G Spot directly.

The G Spot is located 1 – 2 inches inside a woman’s vagina along the front wall. It will have a bit of a wrinkled texture and will become more pronounced as the woman begins to become aroused.

Now on to the technique…

Insert your index finger inside your woman with your palm facing up about to the second knuckle and start stroking her G Spot using a come here motion.

You will start to notice feelings of intense pleasure overcoming your partner, this means you’re getting close.

Keep on stroking her G Spot and after several minutes of stimulation she’s going to feel the build up a female ejaculate inside of her.

The sensation she will feel is very similar to the feeling of needing to pee. When she starts to feel this sensation simply tell her to push it out!

As she releases the female ejaculate fluid her body will shake and tremble with one of the best orgasms she will have ever experienced.

Now give yourself a pat on the back, because you just gave your woman her first squirting orgasm.